?you can keep couple name to overview of your order

    ?Please selcect the type of the images this will help us to find the most appropraite setting and allocate best editor for your images

    ?Would you like to review 10 images that have been color corrected before the order is completey processed? To avoid any delays you would have 24hrs to share any suggestions.

    ?Select the ligghtroom verion you use

    ?Please select the file format type you are uploading

    ?Select the file type you want in return, in case you wish to receive XMPs please make sure you send us the RAW files for processing

    ?Images processed by me This refers to any processed images that you send across. Please Note : while color correcting the images only global adjustment are made to the image. These color correction serviced don't include any local adjustment made with the help of tools like Brushes, filters,dodge & Burn, Masking, Spot removal, etc due to subjectivity involved.The reference images must be marked green.

    ?Plese select YES if exposure of images is to be corrected

    ?Contrast adjustment make one side of the midpoint value darker and the other sie lighter, So an increase in contrast adjustment will make the shadow darker and the highlight lighter. Reducing contrast adjustment will make the shadow lighter and the hightlight darker.

    ?Recover shadow and hiighlights details

    ?Fix Chromatic aberrations

    ?Here you can choose wheather to correct the noise in photos that have higher light sensitivity. In Addition you can choose the value from which the noise reduction should be applied , Because ( Depending on the camera model ) the noise reduction may not be necessary at lower sensitivites

    ?sharping makes images look asethetically more pleasing that soft or blurry

    ?Vibrancy increase the intensity of muted colors and leaves the well-saturated colors as it is. Vibrancy also prevents skin tones becoming overly saturated and unnaturals

    ?makes the transtion between light and dark portions of the images more visible. If makes any shapes or forms more defined

    ?crop out unwanted elements or negative space of an image and to make image perfect centred

    ?Images are straightened using a combation of auto Upright and manual straightening

    ?when you select YES "an auto lens correction would be applied to the images"

    ?If "Use Your Presets" is YES then please upload your preset along with your files.

    ?Please mention any additional instructions that you would like us to keep in mind when we working on your images.